Bedroom How To Living Spaces

How to create focal points


Bedside table


Decorating is not about simply putting as many pretty things in a room as possible. No, it’s very much about how elements work together as a whole. A crucial way to achieve a good balance, is to have a focal point that draws the eye and characterises the room.

Choose a subject

There’s no set rule for what to choose as your focal point. It can be an eye-catching decorative piece like a painting, a feature of the room like a fireplace, or it can be a furniture piece, like a love seat. It could even simply be an area in the room you want to highlight.

Whatever you choose, it should boast a reason for being made the centre of attention, like being unusual, interesting, bold or colourful.

Put it in in its place

Where your focal point is positioned is very important, because it’s meant to draw the eye towards it. This doesn’t mean it automatically goes in the centre of the room. You also need to take into account the rest of the space. For instance, what area is clearly evident when you first enter the room, or from the part of the room you’d spend the most time in?

If you’re using a painting or something else you would hang up, choose the wall where it would be best on display. Take into account the other features of the room that could also be used to draw attention to the focal point, like windows or a chandelier.


Now you should optimise the rest of the room to draw more attention to it. There are many ways to accentuate your focus point, like angling mirrors to reflect it or pointing furniture towards it. Keep the rest of the room’s décor more low key – your focus point shouldn’t face competition.

For example, in your bedroom your focus point is generally your bed. So you could play up your bed with colourful blankets, interestingly textured pillows and attractive bedside tables. But the rest of the room should have neutral colours and simple décor, which will complement but not overpower the bed.

Knowing how to create focal points is an important trick for any decorator to have up their sleeve. Also, if you want to improve a room but don’t know where to start, the focal point is a convenient place to begin, because the rest of the room takes its cue from this headlining act.


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