Haworthiopsis attenuata, known as the ‘Zebra plant,’ is a local hero indigenous to the Eastern Cape. Belonging to the same subfamily as aloe, it boasts an equally eye-catching appearance with its pointed leaves adorned with zebra-like white stripes. Whether grown indoors or outdoors, this succulent should be the next addition to your summer plant collection.

Getting to know your Zebra plant
Grow guide: With a high tolerance for different light conditions, you can grow them in almost any location. When planted outdoors, they thrive in morning sun but require gradual acclimatization to full-sun areas. Indoors, they can handle low light but benefit from occasional relocation to well-lit spots every few weeks to maintain their health.
Claim to fame: Zebra plants are known for their hassle-free nature, non-toxic properties, and their ability to withstand mild frost for short periods. Locals also use this plant for warding off evil and protecting their homes. Zebras produce aloe, which can be applied to minor cuts and skin irritations. These plants are highly decorative, featuring lovely ridged textures on their white stripes.
In the garden: This succulent adds vibrancy to any container or rock garden, growing to a maximum height of 15 cm. Pair them with other low-growing plants in well-draining soil, as they are not fond of excessive moisture. Water when the soil has completely dried out, and fertilize once a month during spring and summer.”
Pest patrol: Plants are typically hardy against pests and diseases, but it’s important to remain vigilant for common culprits like mealybugs and spider mites. Keeping your plants healthy will reward you with a companion for a decade!
Top tip: Your Zebra plant will produce pups and offsets. To separate these new arrivals, gently remove them from the parent plant and transplant them into prepared, moist soil. Wait until new growth becomes apparent before watering them again.

For more information, visit www.lifeisagarden.co.za.
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